Our aim is to conduct its business operations, to ensure a safe and healthy working environment for all its employees, subcontractors and customers.

LEQUAR readily accepts the fact that this implies a duty to ensure that necessary equipment, systems of work and training, as stated in the Occupational Safety and Health Act 2004.

An effective health and safety policy requires the full collaboration and co-operation of all employees and parties involved in the business. Every employee is inducted on this policy and accept their own personal responsibility for health and safety at work, for themselves and for the health and safety of others who may be affected by either their acts or their omissions. This policy, where deemed necessary and appropriate will be brought to the attention of all Contractors and other third parties. LEQUAR is committed to reducing the impact on the environment and is continuously improving on making the environment a better place.


It is the accepted responsibility of Management:

To maintain the spirit and intent of the principles incorporated in the Occupational Safety and Health Act 2004 and its Regulations and Codes of Practice, to ensure the safest systems of work and a safe working environment.

  • To ensure that employees are provided with appropriate protective measures, including training and safe systems of work and personal protection, to undertake their work in a manner which will be safe.
  • To ensure that suitable systems are in place for the reporting and recording of all accidents, incidents, and near misses, which may lead to injury and/or ill-health, and that remedial measures are identified and implemented in a timely manner.
  • To ensure that risk assessments are undertaken pro-actively to affect the above safe working conditions.

In pursuance of the above commitment, this policy will be reviewed as appropriate, but not less than once every year.